WhatsApp Broadcasting Rules

3 min. readlast update: 07.16.2024

Can I send Promotional WhatsApp Broadcasts to my audience?

Since October 2021, WhatsApp has allowed businesses to send all messages including Promotional & Offer Messages. This includes Transactional and non-transactional, Notifications, Updates and follow-up messages.

We have got various Template Messages approved for our clients, do check out those Sample Promotional Template Messages for different industry verticals.



Can I send WhatsApp Broadcast to users who haven’t saved my number?

Yes, the business can send the WhatsApp Broadcast to those users as well who haven’t saved the business’s contact number.

This is something that isn’t plausible with WhatsApp Business App. The only condition here is that WhatsApp permits the business to send the broadcast to only opt-in users who have given consent to the business to receive messages.


How to take opt-in from users?

There are various methods to take opt-in from users.

1. Have a checkmark in the lead contact form on your landing page taking consent and opt-in from users.
2. Send SMS and E-mail campaigns for opt-in.


Will my number get blocked by WhatsApp if I send too many broadcast messages?

This entirely depends on the Quality Rating. If your quality rating goes down, you’ll receive a warning notification from your FB Business manager.

Still, if it doesn’t improve and continues to deteriorate, your number will eventually get blocked.

The quality rating decreases when people start blocking you and this will only happen if you are sending promotional messages to the users or without opt-in.


Can I send WhatsApp Broadcast to those users who haven’t interacted with us on WhatsApp before?

Yes, you can import all the data of users that you want to send a broadcast to in the AiSensy platform and shoot them a broadcast campaign even if they haven’t interacted with you on WhatsApp before. While doing so, AiSensy considers that you have taken opt-in from all the imported users.


Do I need to get these WhatsApp Broadcast messages approved by WhatsApp?

You need to get only the template messages approved. You can use these template messages for broadcasting. In case you are sending a broadcast to an Active user, you can send template messages or the regular message (which doesn’t need approval from WhatsApp).


Can I send CTA buttons and Quick Reply buttons in WhatsApp Broadcast messages?

Yes, with template messages you can send URLs, Buttons and Quick Replies. There can be a maximum of 3 buttons that can be sent with a template message or 2 CTAs.

Both CTA & Quick Reply Buttons have a character limit of 20 Characters. Also, rich media can be sent such as videos, images, docs, audio etc. with Regular and Template messages.

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