Manage Tags in AiSensy

2 min. readlast update: 07.18.2024

What is the significance of “Manage Tags” in the Contacts Page?

The “Manage Tags” option in the Contacts Page allows you to Add & Remove Tag(s) from a group of audiences simultaneously. For example, you filtered down the audience on the basis of some parameters and now you need to add (or remove) Tag(s) to that filtered audience. Here is when you can go to the “Manage Tags” button and perform the required action.

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How to change the tags of a certain group of audiences simultaneously?

Select all the contacts after filtering down the audience on the basis of some parameter. Then click on “Manage Tags” in order to perform an action. You can now see the number of contacts selected and below that there will be two buttons namely “Add Tag” and “Remove Tag”.

In case you need to add tag(s), click on the “Add Tag” button, select the Tag which needs to be added from the drop-down and simply click on Add. The process is exactly similar in the case of removing Tag(s) as well.

You can change tags of a particular user as well. Check out how to change tags from user Profile.


Do changed tags reflect in the User Profile as well?

Yes, the changed tag(s) gets reflected in the User Profile as well in real-time. Once the Tag is changed, it gets updated on every page and section where the tag is mentioned with the contact.

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