WhatsApp has made it mandatory for businesses to receive Opt-in permission from users to send them messages on WhatsApp. The opt-in can be taken directly on WhatsApp or from other channels like the website, checkbox during the signup process & social media ads.
Also, businesses have to give users a way to opt out from receiving their notifications.
In this tutorial, we'll guide you on how you can allow your users to automatically Opt-in & Opt-out users on the AiSensy app.
How to Opt-out users from your WhatsApp Broadcasts in AiSensy?
1. Go to Opt-in Management
To set up Optin & Optout for users, go to 'Optin Management' in Manage Section on AiSensy App.
Enable API Campaign Opt-out as shown in the image to enable users to get automatically opted out.
2. Add Opt-out Keywords
Now let's look at how you can automatically opt-out users in AiSensy.
First, enable the opt-out response. This will automatically send an opt-out notification to users who wish to opt out of your WhatsApp updates.
Now, add opt-out keywords, sending which, users will automatically get opted out of your WhatsApp notifications. Refer the image above for the opt-out keywords.
Keywords can include a simple 'STOP' or 'Don't send me messages'. After adding keywords, press Save settings.
Any user who replies with these keywords will automatically opt out of your WhatsApp updates.
*You can add a maximum of 5 Opt-out Keywords in AiSensy App.
3. Configure the Opt-out message (Optional)
In case you wish to personalize the Opt-out message, you can do that easily.
👉Just click Configure message
👉Choose a pre-approved message or create a new one. In case you wish to create a new opt-out message, you can choose between a regular message or a template message with an image/ video to send the user a creative opt-out notification.
👉 After finalizing the message, click on Save Configuration.
How to Opt-in users automatically to your WhatsApp Broadcasts
1. First, enable Opt-in Keywords
2. Add Opt-in Keywords
Whenever a user sends you these keywords on your WhatsApp, they'll automatically get opted-in to your WhatsApp notifications.
You can also send them a WhatsApp message with a Quick-reply button with an opt-in keyword as the quick reply button.
After doing this, configure the Opt-in message which will be sent once the user opts in to your WhatsApp notifications. Just click on Configure as shown in the below image
3. Configure the Opt-out message (Optional)
In case you wish to personalize the Opt-in message, you can do that easily.
👉Just click Configure message
👉Choose a pre-approved message or create a new one. In case you wish to create a new opt-in message, you can choose between a regular message or a template message with an image/ video to send the user a creative opt-in notification.
👉 After finalizing the message, click on Save Configuration.
4. Click Save Settings to enable Opt-in keywords
How to ensure that your Broadcasts are not sent to the Opt-out audience?
To ensure that your WhatsApp Broadcast messages only go to the opted-in audience, here's what you need to do:
Go to Contacts 👉 Click on Filter 👉 Under Opted in, select Yes 👉 Click Apply
That's it! Now, your Broadcast will only go to the opted-in contacts.