How to import & export contacts in AiSensy

10 min. readlast update: 07.18.2024

How to import the contact details of the users in the AiSensy CRM/Contacts Page?

The AiSensy Platform gives you the option to import the lead data of the users that you have generated till now through various sources, such as ads, organic lead generation, etc., that are not on WhatsApp.

Note: For Indian numbers, you don't need to enter the country code. However, for numbers outside India, you must enter the country code along with the '+' prefix before each country code. 

Here’s the step-by-step process to import the contacts:

Step 1: Click on the “Import” button, which is placed on the top right corner of the Contacts Page adjacent to the “Export” button.

Step 2: A window will open after clicking on the Import Button where you need to upload the contacts file. Click on “Upload File” and select the file from your system. The format of the file should be .csv

Here's a *sample Excel sheet for reference - Sample Excel Sheet. Once you've added all the contacts & tags, download the file as.csv, as you can currently only import .csv files to AiSensy.

*Note: The Blue Columns are mandatory

Step 3: After uploading the required file, you’ll have to map the attributes with the column entries of the .csv file.

On the left side, there would be the Column Headings of the .csv file. On the right, there would be the attributes of your AiSensy Contacts Page.

For example, “Name” will be mapped to “user name”, “Mobile Number” will be mapped to “phone number” and so on and so forth.

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Step 4: Once every entry is mapped, the final step is to click on the “Import” button placed at the bottom right of the page and all your contact details of users will get imported.


What is the format of the CSV file which needs to be uploaded on the Contacts Page?

While uploading the CSV file of the contacts, some fields are automatically created in the Contacts Page while others need to be mapped manually which has a specific format.

Fields that are automatically created and don’t need to be in the CSV file-

1. Source: This field shows the source of contact creation. For example, “IMPORT” for imported contacts, “ORGANIC” for contacts created when the user initiated its first conversation with the WhatsApp Business API number, “API” for the contacts created through API campaigns and so on so forth.

2. Status: This field simply shows whether the user is ACTIVE (in 24 hours window) or INACTIVE

3. State: This field shows the current state of the user. For example, “Intervened” if the chat is intervened, “Requesting” in case the user is waiting to get intervened, “Closed” if the query is resolved by the Agent and ticket is closed and “Handled by Assistant” if the WhatsApp Chatbot is handling the chat completely.

4. Last Active: This field shows the Date and Time of the last message sent by the user.

5. Created At: This field shows the Date and Time when the user contact was first created in the AiSensy Dashboard.

Fields that need to be entered manually in the CSV file and their format-

1. Name: This field is simply the user name of the user. It has the standard Name format. The Name Attribute in the dynamic broadcast messages is fetched from this field such as $FirstName, $Name or $LastName.


Name: Mohit Dua
$Name: Mohit Dua
$FirstName: Mohit
$LastName: Dua

*The Name field is mandatory to upload a CSV file.


2. Mobile Number: The field contains the WhatsApp Mobile Number of the user. The format of the Phone Number is-

For INDIAN Phone Numbers: It’s just the 10 digits mobile number or with 91 (the country code) or +91. All of them are valid.
Example- 9876543452 or 919876543452 or +919876543452

For NON-INDIAN Phone Numbers: The Phone number should have the country code with the '+' sign as the prefix.
Example- +15417543010 (For USA) or +61412345678 (For Australia) and so on and so forth for other countries.

Note: If a phone number is entered without a country code and + sign, the AiSensy Platform considers it as an India Phone Number and automatically adds 91 as the prefix.

*The Phone Number field is mandatory to upload a CSV file.


3. Tags: Various tags can be assigned to the users based on lead qualification, current state, specific stages and many other parameters.

If a single needs to be assigned to a contact, just write the tag name exactly as mentioned in the AiSensy Platform. In case multiple tags are assigned to a contact, then the tags should be separated by a “|”.

Example- Let’s suppose there are multiple tags in the education sector namely MBA, Marketing and Finance. Now, if you want to allot a single tag, then simply write the tag name against the contact. E.g. Contact name: 'tag Name'

But, in case you want to assign multiple tags to the same contact, you need to add '|' this divider. By adding this divider, you can allot as many as 100 tags to a single contact. E.g. Contact Name: 'Tag 1'| 'tag 2'| 'Tag 3| and so on..

The format of the tags will be:

Contact 1: MBA
Contact 2: MBA | Finance
Contact 3: Marketing | Finance | MBA

Note: Make sure the Tags which need to be uploaded with contacts must be created beforehand in the Tags Section of the AiSensy Platform otherwise the Tags won’t be assigned to the users.

Also, the Tags field will remain empty in case you don’t put any value or even don’t have the Tags header in the CSV file.

4. Source: The Source field is the Source Name of the Lead generated. But since it is customisable and can be changed as per the will of the business while uploading, it can be used for specific intents of actions planned through the AiSensy Platform.

The format is quite simple, just write the Source Name in the CSV file and it will be replicated in the Contacts Page.

The Souce Field in the Contacts Page also gets mapped automatically such as “API” if the contact is created through the API campaign, “Organic” in case the user creation is done organically when a new user sends an incoming message and “Imported” if the CSV file is being imported without the Souce Field.

Note: The Source field will remain empty in case you don’t put any value or even don’t have the Source header in the CSV file.

5. First Message: This is a Tag automatically assigned to the users on the basis of their first message. The format of this field is exactly the same as that of the Tags field. The only difference is that it can’t have multiple values, it is singular.

Now you must be wondering about how to configure the First Message Tag? We have the guide ready for you. Check out how to configure the First message Tag.

Note: The First Message field will remain empty in case you don’t put any value or even don’t have the First Message header in the CSV file.


6. $Custom_Attribute: This field contains some data points or qualification parameters or attributes of each user.

These attributes are used to filter down the contacts on certain interest points in order to send them targeted WhatsApp Broadcast campaigns.

These can be automatically collected in the form of questions from the users using a chatbot or can be manually uploaded while importing the contacts.

To create these Attributes fields in the Contacts Page, go to “User Attributes” in the “Manager” section of the AiSensy Platform.

Note: The $Custom_Attribute field will remain empty in case you don’t put any value or even don’t have the $Custom_Attribute header in the CSV file.


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Please refer to the above image as the standard format of the CSV file. The First Message Tag field is empty for Mohit Dua, it simply means this field will be empty in the contacts page as well after importing.

The headers City, email and State are the Custom Attributes. Also, the mobile number is written with the country code and a + sign.

All the other fields which are not in the CSV file will be updated automatically or will remain empty according to the field’s property.


How to Export the data and in which format it will be exported?

On the Contacts Page, there is a Dropdown button named 'Actions' beside the Import Button. In the dropdown, you'll find the 'Export' button. By clicking on the button, all the contacts on the page get exported in a CSV file.

In case you need to export some specific contacts, you can simply segregate them using the filter option and get them exported in a CSV file.


Can I export the data of a certain group of users?

Yes, you can export the data of a certain group of users.

Just filter down the audience on the basis of various attributes such as Campaigns, Tags, Name, Created At, etc. you want to export and click on the Export Button to get the data in the CSV file.


What if I import a contact that already exists on the Contacts Page?

If you import a contact that already exists on the Contacts Page of the AiSensy Platform then the contact gets updated with the new values imported through the CSV file.

Can I change the values of the fields from the Contacts Page?

Yes, this is certainly possible. Simply select the contact you wish to edit👉click Edit Contact👉Edit contact details.


How to view Contact History?

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You can view the contact history & verify whether each of your contacts was imported successfully or not.

Click the button 'View History' to view the list of all contacts added to the AiSensy App.


How to download the contacts list from the AiSensy App?

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Clicking the "View History" button will load a window as shown in the image on the left. There you can see the number of contacts added, contacts updated or contacts that could not be added.

The Contacts that are already added and you have again added them with updated attributes will show under 'Contacts Updated'. For updated contacts, chats won't be deleted!

To know the reason for message failure, download the report & view the reason for failure.

What all lead details the AiSensy WhatsApp CRM contains?

The AiSensy WhatsApp CRM contains all the necessary lead information that is essential for the user qualification and which will also be used to segregate the audience up to multiple levels in order to send targeted campaigns. It contains Name, Mobile, Tags, Source, Last Active, Created At, State, First Message Tag and all the Attributes assigned to the user via the chatbot.

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Can I change the tags of the user from the contact page itself?

Yes, new tags can be added and old tags can be removed from a group of the audience selected using the filters. It can be done individually as well. The procedure is the select the audience segment or individual contacts and clicks on the “Manage Tags” button. From here, tags can be removed and new tags can be added.

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Does the lead fields/attributes map in real time in Contacts Page?

Yes, all the entries are mapped in real time in Contacts Page. There is no delay.

How do I save contacts in AiSensy?

The contact details of all the incoming users are saved automatically in the AiSensy WhatsApp CRM as soon as they sends a message to WhatsApp Business API number of the business. Moreover, if the business needs to send a broadcast campaign to the leads collected from contact forms and various other sources apart from WhatsApp, a CSV file can be imported and all the contacts will get saved.



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