How to add Tags to your contacts in AiSensy?

3 min. readlast update: 07.18.2024

Tags in AiSensy allow you to organize your contacts by enabling smart segregation of your contacts. Tags help you filter your contacts by assigning your contacts a particular tag. E.g. Let's say you have leads acquired from Google Ads.

But, after adding these leads to AiSensy, how would you filter out these contact from the other existing contacts? That's where tags come in!

You can create a tag named "Google Ad leads" and assign the tag to all these leads. Now, whenever you have created a template message for these leads, you can simply filter out these contacts based on their tag and Broadcast them a message in one click.

Coming to the big question, how do you add tags to contacts in AiSensy?

Let's get straight to it!



How to assign Tags to your contacts in AiSensy?

There are three ways to assign Tags in AiSensy

  1. At the time of importing contacts from Google Sheets

The first way to assign Tags to your contacts is when you're importing them to AiSensy from a Google sheet in a .csv format.

Follow these steps to import contacts directly from the Google Sheet:

1. Add Contacts to Google Sheet

After adding the name and mobile number of the contacts, add a column for "Tags" and assign a tag to these contacts.

In case you want to import a contact with multiple tags, create another column for tags and insert the second tag that you wish to assign to the contact.


2. Create a Tag in AiSensy

Before you import contacts into AiSensy, you will need to create the tag in AiSensy platform as well. This tag is case-sensitive and should be the same tag that you've added in the Google Sheet.

Go to Manage 👉 Tags 👉 +Create

3. Create the Tag and press Submit


4. Go to Contacts & tap "Import Contacts"

5. Map "Tags" against the Header Identifier "Tags" and press submit


That's it!!

You've successfully imported contacts to AiSensy with a Tag.



2. Add/ Change Tags via Live Chat

If you wish to manually change the Tags of a particular contact, you can do this easily from the Live Chat under a user's Chat Profile

Follow the below steps to change the tags for a particular contact through the Live Chat.

1. In Live Chat, go to the Contact for whom you wish to change a tag

2. Under Tags section, click "Select and add a tag"

Besides selecting and adding a tag, you can also:

  • Create a new tag and assign that tag to the contact.

  • Remove a particular tag by clicking the remove icon "x" in each tag.

3. New Tag added successfully



3. Add/ Remove Tag from Contacts Page

Last, you can also add/ remove tags from the Contacts page.

Follow the below steps to add tags from the Contacts page.

1. In the Contacts page, select the contacts for which you want to add a new tag/ remove an existing tag. Once you do this, tap "Actions"

2. Click "Manage Tags"


3. Under manage tags, you can either "Add a Tag" or "Remove" an existing tag. Select the option you wish to do

4. If you want to add a tag, you can select a Tag and add it to the contacts. You can also create and add tag by clicking the "Create & Add Tag" button

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