Filtering audience for WhatsApp Broadcasts

2 min. readlast update: 07.16.2024

How to filter the audience in the Contacts Page?

Audience filtration is simple and smooth. One needs to click on the filter button on the contacts page and choose the attribute(s)/parameter(s) based on which filtration needs to be done!


What all filters can be used to filter down the audience in AiSensy?

The audience can be filtered down on the following parameters: Name, Mobile Number, Tags, Source, First Message Tags, Intervened, Campaigns, Closed, Requested, Last Seen, when the user was created and all the various Attributes set within the chatbot. Also, multiple levels of audience segmentation can be done for smart targeting.


Can I filter the users based on multiple parameters/attributes?

Yes, the users can be filtered down based on multiple parameters/attributes for smart segmentation. This can be used to target a niche audience with a personalized broadcast campaign. Multiple filters can be applied using the ‘AND’ & ‘OR’ option.

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How do I send rich media WhatsApp Broadcast Campaigns?

Rich Media WhatsApp Broadcast can be sent by selecting either of the “Message Type” i.e. Pre-approved Template Message and Regular Message. Both these message type includes Text, Images, Videos and Files. Template Messages additionally contains Quick Replies and CTAs which can not be incorporated in Regular Messages.

Also, there is a difference in the set of audience to whom these Message Types can be sent. To Active Users (who are in the 24 hours window), both the Template Messages and Regular Messages can be sent. To Inactive Users, only the Template Messages can be sent.


How much time does it take the WhatsApp Broadcast Message to get delivered to the users?

The WhatsApp Broadcast Message is sent to the users straight away as you shoot the campaign. There is no delay.

What happens if I send Broadcast to users above my Messaging limit?

You can't send broadcasts to users above your daily messaging limit. If your limit is 10,000 users per day and you try sending a broadcast to 11,000, you'll get an error and the broadcast won't go through.

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