Filter and User Profile

2 min. readlast update: 07.17.2024

How to filter the audience in the History Page?

There is a Filter Icon in the History Page. The Agent needs to choose the filter option, apply some filter parameters according to the use case and then just need to apply.



What all parameters can be used to filter down the audience in History Page?

The audience can be filtered down on the following parameters: Name, Mobile Number, Tags, Source, First Message Tags, Intervened, Campaigns, Closed, Requested, Last Seen, when the user was created and all the various Attributes set within the chatbot. Also, multiple levels of audience segmentation can be done for smart targeting.

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Is the User Profile in History Page similar to that in Live Chat Page?

Yes, the User Profile is entirely the same in both the History Page and Live Chat Page.

Can the Agent make changes in the User Profile in History Page?

Yes, the Agents can make changes in the User Profile by adding/removing Tags. Only the intervention can not be done.



How to make changes in User Profile?

You can add/ edit Attributes & Tags directly from the User Profile. Here's how to make changes directly from the User Profile:

(1) Go to User Profile

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(2) Click the edit button in Tags/ Attributes

(3) Add/ edit new tags/ attributes


Can I send campaigns to users from the History Page?

No. Campaigns can be sent from both the Contacts Page and Campaigns Page but not the history page. The filter in the history page is for the Agent to study and segregate the leads accordingly.

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